“Help! They are phasing out our system’s technology!”

One of the most common reasons for moving to a new contract management system is that your old system is being phased out. Frequently, it is not because a new system actually exists, but rather because your internally built system was based on a legacy technology. No one is getting rid of your system, but they are getting rid of the legacy technology it was built with.

If you are lucky, someone notified you ahead of time, and you saw this coming. If not, you could be only a few days or weeks from your system dismantling.

You can solve this in only a few days

The good news is that web-based systems can solve this problem, whether you have plenty of time or an immediate, urgent need for an answer.

What to expect

A good online cloud-based system should be expected to do the following:

  • Set up in less than 24 hours
  • Free upload of documents into the system
  • Free training of yourself and users
  • Provide the highest levels of security (ISO 27000 certified)

More good news

A good contract management system will also dramatically improve the performance of your team, and their ability to serve the rest of the organization. For example, you can expect a good system to:

  • Provide access to people in the field or wherever they need it
  • Notify and remind people of key dates
  • Alert people of changes
  • Search for the documents they need
  • Get instant, self-serve access to templates

…and much more. In other words, the need for a new system could be a very good thing, rather than the calamity it appeared to be when you first heard about it.


For more information on this, or any other, urgent issues that create the need for a new contract management solution, download this complementary white paper, Urgent problems requiring contract management solutions.

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a premier online Virtual Data Room (VDR) solution that efficiently houses critical business information for mergers and acquisitions, document warehousing, IPO, Life Sciences licensing and fundraising and contract management. Learn more about DataSite at datasite.com
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